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As part of your planning, you would have thought about your aims and objectives. It would be a good time now to think about why you are listening. 

Are you listening to gain ideas or to gather information from this group of people? This video will give you the time to think about what you are listening for. 

As part of your planning, you will have thought about your aims and objectives. And it is a good time now to think about why you are listening. We have just been talking about listening. Really think about why you are listening to this group of people. Are you listening for ideas? Are you listening to gather information from this group of people? Are you listening to pass judgement on them? In this scenario, I really hope you are not listening to pass judgement because if you are, that is then becoming all about you again. And it is all about these group of people who you are facilitating. For me, the listening is about gathering information, gathering ideas, perhaps evaluating options, but at the heart of it, what you want to do is understand. Understand where this group of people is coming from, understand what this group of people is trying to tell you. Understand their stories, understand what has gone on for them. Ask yourself why am I here listening to this group of people, and that will help you to stay focused.