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Your facilitated session may involve having to deliver a presentation. This video will give you an introduction to the different skills that you might be using during a facilitated session. 

We have taught a lot about facilitation skills because this is a program that is about facilitation, part of your facilitated sessions though may involve you making a presentation. Now, you will be able to watch millions of videos about presentation skills. Here, we are going to give you a little introduction into some of the presentation skills that you might be using during a facilitated session. One of the things that you will want to do is open your facilitated session, and a little tip around this is to use something called an elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is where you have a minute, a minute and a half to introduce your organisation, introduce your facilitated session, introduce your objectives, introduce what you want to get out of that session.

It is called an elevator pitch because it is something that is used in sales and it is a climb on a lift at the bottom of a building, and I have got until the lift reaches the top of the building for me to be able to sell whatever it is that I want to sell. So, a little task for you in a moment is going to be to create an elevator pitch, but before you do that, you are going to get the opportunity to watch one in action. So there is going to be a little video clip now where you are going to watch somebody doing their elevator pitch, another opportunity for you to grab a piece of paper and make some notes about what makes this elevator pitch good, what would make it even better if you were able to watch it again. So, watch the pitch, make some notes on your piece of paper, and then you can use those notes to support you to create your own minute, minute and a half introduction to your organisation, what it is all about, why you want to engage with people and why people should engage with you.

Hello, I am Dr David Sollis, I am the engagement manager of Healthwatch Essex. My role at Healthwatch Essex is to help the organisation engage the 1.7 million people who live here around health and social care. The health and social care budget in 2006 is around 5 billion pounds spent, so therefore it is a massive, massive task. The way I do this is I break it down into six areas of work: Young people, older people, mental health, people with disabilities, carers, and general health, which includes opticians, pharmacists, and dentists. Recently, project works specifically around those areas such as a sweep report, which works for young people in social care and the carer's ambassadors, ambassadors being our volunteers, who are carers and we speak to them once a month over a period of time to find out their lived experience of care and quality in Essex.

We do these projects, we engage these people because we want to use influence. We believe the power of the lived experience has influence with commissioners, the County Council, Department of Health, and the NHS. And by capturing these people's stories, their lived experience, we have true, exciting, meaningful ways of putting across their points of view. In Essex today, there is free transformation plans, huge plans for the way of changing health and social care. And only by engaging the people of Essex can reassure that their voice is listened.