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We have reached the end of the active listening part of this course. Thank you for your attention. We have learned a lot. We have talked about emotional responses when you are not being listened to and how that is not active listening. We have talked about the number of distractions that you get when you are listening, day to day: Sight, sound, your own ego, pseudo-listening. Did I put the oven on? Have I left something in the garden?

We have talked about what active listening is. We have talked about you just being the funnel. Nothing of you should end up in their story. You are just there to listen and try and understand what it is they are saying. We have talked about when you are actively listening, you respond appropriately, you defer judgment, you use silence if necessary and interruption if necessary when someone is getting stuck in a loop. You try and make sure your body language is open. If you find yourself going into a closed body posture, just relax a bit.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you have enjoyed it.