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This second unit is all about getting to know our community. In the first unit, we talked about getting to know the individual, so this is all about contributing towards that process, but recognizing that if we want our service to be engaging with our community, we have to know who our community is. And in fact, when we live and work in a community, it is easy to have blinkers on and just see the little bit of the community that we engage with. We do not necessarily see the housing estates, that side of town, or we might not get to the market over there. We miss out on who makes up our community. I have a challenge for you. I am going to put up some statistics that show different groups that make up the population of England and Wales.

Your task will be to see if you can match up the percentages with the groups of people, to see if you can work out what the population of England and Wales is made up of. The answers might not be what you think they are all the time, and often people are surprised how the numbers do not seem to fit in with their preconceived ideas of what populations are made up of. So I am going to give you just a few minutes to have a go. The questions will come up, and firstly, they will look at ethnicity, then they will look at religion in England and Wales, and finally, I will have a question come up around health in England and Wales. And just to let you know, I got all these statistics from the Office of National Statistics, and they are based on the 2011 census. Okay.